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There are a lot of macrobiotic diet myths hanging around the internet. This popular diet can seem totally easy, or totally intimidating depending on who you ask.

There is nothing worse that getting amped up to tackle a new diet or lifestyle then realizing it’s totally not what you thought.

This guide should help you avoid that frustration.

We’re debunking 6 of the top macrobiotic myths so you can get the right information about this powerful dieting option.

Is the macrobiotic diet for you? Let’s find out!

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Top Macrobiotic Diet Myths Debunked

1.  The Macrobiotic Diet Doesn’t Use Calories

A lot of diets are focused on calorie counting. At first glance, the macrobiotic diet is all about the magical macro ratio. So no calories right? Whew.

Not so fast. This macrobiotic diet myth actually has it all wrong.

Don’t forget that to get an accurate macro diet ratio, you need to COMBINE it with an accurate daily calorie intake calculation.

Your macro ratio will give you a percentage breakdown of how many grams of protein, fats, and carbohydrates you need to eat, but how much should you eat?

When you combine the daily calories you need to eat with your macro percentages, you’ll get the amount of each macronutrient you should eat every day.

So you’re not exactly counting calories, but you do need to consider them to figure out your macros.

2.  IIFYM It’s All Good

The popular phrase “If It Fits Your Macros” is all over social media. You may have heard it even if you’re NOT counting macros.

The trendy hashtag encourages macro dieters to eat anything they want, as long as it fits their macros. This macrobiotic diet myth is a little misleading.

While you could technically eat anything that falls within your macros, consider your goals.

Are you…

  • Trying to lose weight?
  • Trying to lose body fat?
  • Trying to tone up?
  • Trying to train for a specific athletic goal?

Just like any diet, the healthier you eat, the better your results will be.

If you ignore this macrobiotic diet myth and follow a healthier eating plan instead, you’re more likely to see results faster.

And that is the point after all, right?

3.  The Macrobiotic Diet Has No Food Restrictions

It’s accurate that the macrobiotic diet doesn’t necessarily restrict certain food groups. But this macrobiotic diet myth isn’t exactly true either.

Everything you eat needs to fall within your macrobiotic diet categories and amounts.

That means you’ll be consuming certain percentages of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates every day.

While the macrobiotic diet doesn’t totally ban any food groups like other diets (think Whole30, Atkins, or Paleo, it still provides guidelines you need to live within.

Just like any diet, you’re not going to see the results you want if you eat ice cream all day. Unless the results you want are to feel sick and likely gain weight.

This macrobiotic diet myth forgets that the true macro diet encourages the consumption of healthy food options within each macronutrient category.

You can see a full breakdown of healthy options for each macronutrient category in this Beginner’s Guide to Macro Dieting.

Remember, the whole point of macro dieting isn’t to figure out exactly how much unhealthy stuff you can consume while still staying in your macro guidelines.

4.  You Don’t Need Technology

Some diets take a pretty general approach to their guidelines, but the macro diet isn’t one of them. While it’s a totally flexible dieting option, this macrobiotic diet myth makes it seem like you won’t need any tech help.

You’ll most like need a little technology assistance in two different ways.

Macrobiotic Diet Apps

It’s likely you’ll need to download to macrobiotic diet apps to help keep track of your daily progress. You can TRY and do everything by hand, but it would be pretty exhausting. You can also check out our full opinion on whether macrobiotic diet apps are a waste of time.

A cool macrobiotic diet app can store your macro ratios, and automatically keep track of where you are for the day with the assistance of a food log. Some of the apps are even advanced enough to switch macro ratio days based on whether it’s a workout day or not. Pretty cool!

Check out these 10 Macrobiotic Diet Apps You Need. On a budget? Try one of these 5 totally free macrobiotic diet apps.

Macrobiotic Diet Digital Scale

Almost everyone starting off with the macrobiotic diet needs an accurate scaled. You’ll probably get the hang of different food portions after a while, but in the beginning it will be all new.

A good scale will help you measure, weigh, and keep your macrobiotic diet log accurate.

5.  The Macrobiotic Diet is Easy

There are some aspects of the macrobiotic diet that are easy. You don’t have to worry about eliminating specific foods, or giving up what you love.

But this macrobiotic diet myth kind of has it all wrong.

The macrobiotic diet requires learning, calculations, math, and most importantly, being prepared.

There are not many diets that require as specific of calculations as the macro diet. Which makes this macrobiotic myth totally misleading.

Don’t let that discourage you though. Like anything there is a learning curve. Once you get the hang of counting your macros, it will feel like an riding a bike.

Consult this comprehensive Beginner’s Guide to Macro Dieting for tips to make the macrobiotic diet easier, like using an online calculator to figure out your ratios.

6.  The Macrobiotic Diet is for Everyone

It seems like the macro diet could work for anyone, but this macrobiotic diet myth is totally wrong.

The macrobiotic diet is flexible, but also uses some pretty specific behaviors.

For one, it requires very calculated food measurement and tracking. This could develop into an unhealthy behavior, or bring back unhealthy habits for someone who has a history of disordered eating.

Anyone who has a history of eating disorders or unhealthy eating habits should consult with a health professional before jumping into the macrobiotic diet.

The macro diet can also affect vitamin and mineral levels if you aren’t choosing mostly nutritious foods as part of your plan.

For this reason, anyone with specific dietary restrictions or needs should also consult with a health professional before beginning.

These macrobiotic diet myths can be totally misleading and even dangerous if ignored.

Understanding the facts about macro dieting before you get started will help you understand exactly how it will work, how it will affect your body, and how to be successful.

Want to learn more about macrobiotic diet myths? Check out Macro Dieting: 3 Things You Need to Know.